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Painting Logic is a company that started with an idea that helped solve a common painting problem for do-it-yourselfers – getting paint on the ceiling. The Roller Stopper solved this problem. This soon evolved into trying to solve other common painting problems. With innovation and creative thinking we are constantly pursuing ways to make painting projects easier for any person to accomplish.

Bret Anderson - CEO

Bret Anderson has been in the construction and handyman business for over 30 years. He started out using the traditional tools of the trade and then decided that there must be a better way.


He started coming up with prototypes of different tools that can be used to assist the painting process. One of the tasks that took the most time out of painting was avoiding paint spots on the ceiling when the purpose was to paint the wall. That's how The Roller Stopper idea was created. Click here to learn more about The Roller Stopper

Our Mission

Painting Logic creates painting accessories that help consumers save time throughout the painting process. Do-it-yourself projects are getting to be more common, so we want to provide hight quality, easy to use products that help consumers achieve better results on any painting project.

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